Secure communication
in KNX networks
Vendor-neutral KNX Data Secure Stack
A modern KNX system controls the light in buildings, regulates the room temperature, controls various building functions and makes life easier in many ways through its intelligence and automation. However, networking also brings risks, as every networked but unsecured device allows unauthorised access from the outside.
Customers and installers therefore want a comprehensive protection concept that includes, among other things, protection against manipulation, trouble-free and fail-safe operation, and data security. In order to meet this justified requirement, Insta was the first company on the market to have a manufacturer-neutral Data Secure Stack for KNX installations certified. The KNX Data Secure Stack protects all critical parts of the installation from unauthorised access.

Insta KNX Data Secure Stack
To achieve reliable protection of the KNX installation, KNX Data Secure signs and encrypts the communication in the KNX network. In this way, telegrams between the respective participants are transmitted in a read and tamper-proof manner. Commissioning processes with the ETS as well as runtime communication between the devices for visualisation of the device states are thus available at all times and resistant to unauthorised access.
The customer can decide whether his entire KNX installation is to be protected or only selected areas such as the outdoor area, certain gate systems, etc. The Insta KNX Data Secure Stack is available at any time and is resistant to unauthorised access. The Insta KNX Data Secure Stack is not only secure, but also flexible. If the customer wants to retrofit KNX Data Secure, Secure and conventional devices can be operated in the same KNX installation.
Type of delivery
All Secure-enabled devices have a device certificate. With the help of these certificates, the installer commissions the devices via the ETS according to KNX Data Secure. The actuators and sensors are supplied by us ready for KNX Data Secure. On site, the installer decides whether he wants to plan and commission the devices according to KNX Data Secure or whether the system is operated conventionally as before.
Our OEM customers can choose whether they want their devices to have Secure capability. If the customer decides against Secure, we set up the devices conventionally as before.